Map Conditions

How To Map Conditions


Occasionally contractors are required to present alternate bids in addition to a base bid. Previously this meant a lot of copying and pasting or re-digitizing. In any case, it was laborious, tedious and time consuming. The EDGE now has a feature called Mapping where quantities from the base bid can be incorporated into alternates without having to re-digitize the plan. Mapping when coupled with the Scenario screen gives the estimator Recap screens for the base bid and a separate recap screen for each alternate in the bid.

As this situation is more often faced by roofer’s we are using them as an example but the steps used here are identical for any trade or estimate.

How To Map Conditions:
1. Start a new job; title page 1 as EPDM Fully Adhered 060. Insert a single ply master job into the conditions screen just as you would with any other job that you are bidding, this includes setting up all of the conditions

2. Complete the “job” by:
– Digitizing all of the conditions.
– Going into the pricing and labor screens make any adjustments.
– View the recap screen to see your selling price.

3. Once you have completed the first page (Ex. EPDM Fully Adhered .060) you are now ready to create the alternate bid. Perform the following steps. With your mouse click the Scenarios Tab on the screen, click Insert. Create a new Scenario called Alternate Roof Bid then click OK.

4. Take your mouse click the Sections Tab, then Insert. Create a new Section called Alternate 1 click OK when finished.

5. Take your mouse and click the Pages Tab, then Insert. Create a new Page called TPO – MF 045 give the pages a scale (Hint: it should be the same as the base bid page scale)

6. Take your mouse and click the Conditions Tab, then Insert. At the Insert Group dialog box either enter a TPO group code or click the book open the Group Database. Highlight the TPO Mechanically Fastened 045 Group, and then click the Replace icon.

Once you get the new group into the Condition Screen, you need to set up the conditions just as you had from the original Step 1 and 2, making sure that you set up your conditions according to the alternate system specifications.

Once you finish setting up the conditions for the alternate page, you are now ready to Map your conditions.

Remain on the Condition List for the alternate page, which you just set up, then click on Conditions | Map Conditions.

The Map Conditions dialog screen opens on your monitor. From this screen you will decide from which condition you will get your quantities, what to include and what not to include in the mapping.

The Map Conditions screen has several features and functions you should be aware of, they are:
Copy from – our practice job has only one condition, therefore when the screen opens it auto defaults to that condition. Under other circumstances there might be multiple conditions to choose from. Click the inverted arrow at the end of the Copy from field and click the condition whose quantities you want copied
Source conditions – this is the “from” column, the conditions and quantities you want to map will come “from” the list of conditions displayed in this window.
Target conditions – this is the “to” column, the conditions listed here are the conditions you want the quantities copied to.
Map – after a “from” and “to” condition has been highlighted click the Map button and arrow is drawn between the two conditions. Mapping does not have to be strictly horizontally across from each other. The first source condition can be directly mapped to the last target condition.
Keep – if an item has been omitted from the Source List, similar to being turned off, it can be turned back on by highlighting the condition and clicking Keep. If you accidentally map a Source to the wrong Target condition, highlight the source and click Keep and the condition resets itself.
Omit – similar to turning a condition off. If you do not want a condition to be copied to the Target, highlight it and click Omit
– Any condition with a blue arrow that has not been mapped will still be copied and inserted into the Target.
– Conditions with an X type symbol will not be copied to the Target when OK is clicked.
– After a condition has been mapped to the Target a green check mark will appear to the left of the condition.
– A condition can only be mapped to one condition at a time.