Job Recap Properties

Properties & Scenario Properties Job Recap


The job recap screen summarizes the job and shows appropriate taxes and markups.  For most subcontractors, this will be the bid price.  For those company’s using multiple CSI (Construction Specification Institute) subdivisions, this will be finalized on the Bottom End Screen. The Job Recap screen is another EDGE screen that has compound properties icons.


If you click on the Properties (icon or click Edit | Properties the Properties of the Job Recap screen will open.

If you click on Scenario Properties (or click Edit | Scenario (Screen) Properties the Scenario Properties for the job opensThe Job Recap Properties dialog is another view of the Tools | Company Options | Program | Tax Classes dialog. Clicking Properties actually opens the “Subdivision Properties” dialog, this is because everything you see in the Job Recap screen is at the Subdivision level.


Job Recap Properties                  Partial View Co. Options Tax Class Dialog


Subdivision Property Dialog

In the Job Recap screen the properties dialog is a screen called the Subdivision Markups.

Tax Class – The drop down menu lists the tax classes that have been setup in The EDGE.

(TC1) – Material        (TC4) – Equipment        (TC7) – Supervision
(TC2) – Labor            (TC5) – Other                 (TC8) – Not Used
(TC3) – Subcontract  (TC6) – Miscellaneous    (TC9) – Not Used

– There are two ways you can view the markups that have been applied to a Tax Class.

(1)  High light the Tax Class (Labor, Material, Subcontract, etc) and then click the Properties (icon Figure 1 above is an example of highlighting the Material Tax Class and then clicking the Properties icon.

(2)  Highlight any Tax Class (Labor, Material, Subcontract, etc) and then click the Properties (icon. After the Properties dialog opens click the down arrow on the Tax Class line. From the drop down select the Tax Class. The dialog will display the markups for the selected Tax Class. Using method two you can change, edit or modify any or all Tax Classes without having to open, edit, save close and switch property screens.


Markups 1 – 6

Every Tax Class has six (6) markup fields. At this level in the estimate markups are things like local/state taxes, labor burdens, office overhead,bonds, insurance, etc. A couple of the markups have been reserved, Overhead is actually Markup #5 and Profit is actually Markup #6. Markup #1 is usually set to Taxes and Markup #2 is usually used for Labor Burden. But you could switch those two if you wanted to. Markups 3 and 4 are open and available for any use. 


Markups 4, 5 and 6 – have All check boxes if the box next to a markup is checked then that markup is automatically added to any Tax Class in the estimate.


Profit Display Method

From the drop down menu select the type of profit calculation you prefer to use for your estimates.


Tax Class – Setup

The original setup comes from the Company Options setup (Tools | Company Options | Program | Tax Classes). This is where the Tax Classes originate from remember Tax Classes 1 and 2 are reserved (Material and Labor respectively), Tax Classes 3 thru 9 are user named and 7 thru 9 are reserved for labor tax classes.

At the bottom of the Tax Class screen are two blocks. The one on the left is for individual setup. First you pick a Tax Class from the Drop down menu. Then you move to the Markup fields (1-4), here you are going to name the Markup you plan to apply to this Tax Class. In the example above the Material Tax Class was chosen and the only Markup to be applied is Markup 1 which has been renamed Tax. This would be state, local taxes for material items. But you could name it anything you want.

The right block is set aside for what we call Common Tax Class Markups. Markup 4 is open. Markup 5 is reserved for “Overhead.” Markup 6 is reserved for “Profit.” Notice the “ALL” check boxes to the right of these fields. If the box is checked you are telling The EDGE to apply this Markup to ALL Tax Classes. The EDGE gives you the ability to decided which Tax Classes to apply these Markups to and which ones not to.


The Default Tax Classes

The EDGE comes pre-loaded with five Tax Classes which are shown in the example above. When you open a Job Recap screen the Tax Classes are always displayed in the same order as shown above (bottom to top).

How To Add Markups

How to Modify Tax Rate

To add, modify, edit, delete, change a Job Recap Markup is the same for all Tax Classes. The steps are:


1.Open the Job Recap screen

2.Highlight any Tax Class line.

3.Click on the Properties icon or click Edit | Properties.

4.On the Tax Class line click the drop down  arrow and select the Tax Class you want to work on. You do not have to be highlighting that Tax Class, you can edit any Tax class from this screen.

5.Move to the Markup field and make you edits or additions. If you are adding a new Markup in order for that field to have a title you will have to go to Tools | Company Options | Program | Tax Classes and create the title there.

6.If the change involves a field with an ALL check box make sure the field is set correctly.

7.When finished click OK. Clicking OK will incorporate the changes for the current job only unless ….

8.To make the changes permanent you have to click Edit | Send Markups To Database. This steps saves the changes you just made and makes them the default settings from here on out until you make the next change. Any jobs estimated prior to making changes are not affected.


See also:

The second job properties screen is the Scenarios Properties, when opened this  will only edit the existing Scenario. Click scenario properties for a complete explanation of how the Scenario Properties is setup.