Items Screen

Customize Columns | Items List Screen


To customize your database columns, select Edit | Customize Columns. Doing so will open a Customize list of headings that you have not included.

Indicates a line or lines have been marked.
Tells you a note exists for this screen, if you do not know what it is – you should read it.
Errors are present on the current screen, look at the Troubleshooter bar for hints as to the problem.
# – The # sign tells you how many lines are on a given screen.

Description – A Description of the line the cursor is on in the current screen.
Item Code – A unique code that identifies every line in every database, the can be no duplicates.
From – Tells you where the Condition is getting its quantities from, they are: Measured, from another Condition or Entered. You an also override measured Conditions.
Quantity – Displays the measured or entered quantity for the line.
Order Qty – The amount of the item you need to order to complete the work.
Order Qty Add – Allows the user to add a specific number to an order unit.
Alt Qty – Allows you to create a second or alternate method for quantifying, ordering and pricing items.
Unit Price – How much you will pay per unit for an item.
Sell Price – How much you will sell an item for.
Total Price – The cost for all occurrences of an item in an estimate.
User Code – A user code is how the program determines what general category heading an item gets listed under for reports. The EDGE uses a modified version of the CSI (Construction Specification Institute) Uniform System. The EDGE use the standardized 16 divisions. If you are a roofing contractor for example you will find that your user code goes from 07-100-000 to 07-999-9999. The same holds true For other users of The EDGE.
CQty – The way the labor, material and miscellaneous is calculated for that condition.
Alt CQty – An alternate way the labor, material and miscellaneous is calculated for that condition.
EU – This represents the cost incurred to the job divided by the Estimated Unit.
AU – Allows you to create a second or alternate method for ordering and pricing items.
Cost/EU – How much an item will cost you per unit.
Order Un – The descriptor you plan to use when ordering the item.
Prc Un – The descriptor you plan to use to price the item.
Price Qty – Adjusted pricing quantity.
Pricing Date – The manufacturer’s price per dated sheet.
Hours – The number of hours required to complete the work .
Mandays – The number of Mandays required to complete the work.
Crewdays – The number of days a crew is needed to complete the work.
Crew Size – The number of workers that make up a given crew.
Order Formula – Converts an item from estimated units (SF, LF, EA) to order units (Rolls, Tubes, Cases, Tons).
Price Formula – If the price unit differs from the order unit, a secondary formula called the price formula will convert them item for you i.e. an item is priced by the roll but you have to order by the carton.
Prod Rate – This is the amount of work you can get done for a material item in a given amount of time.
Tax Class – This classifies the type of expense for this item as one of the Tax Classes (Labor, Material, Subcontract, Equipment and Other).
U Ord Qty – Adjusted order quantity.
Account Code – Displays the account code for the line the cursor is on if applicable.
Phase Code – Displays the phase code for the line the cursor is on if applicable.
Part Number – Displays the Part Number for the line the cursor is on if applicable.
Waste % – The individual percentage of waste you added to an item.
Waste Qty – This is the result of the quantity number multiplied by the waste percent.