Group Database | Customize Columns (v10)


To customize your database columns, select Edit | Customize Columns. Doing so will open a Customize list of headings that you have not included.


Sequence – Several of the databases display and have assigned Sequence numbers to each line. When you add in new lines, each will be assigned a Sequence Number.
Group Code – An individual code created by the estimator to identify the group.
Description – A description of the Detail
Scan – Check the Scan box if you are creating a header such as a manufacturer’s name.
Added By – The name or initials of the individual adding the new lines to the database.
Date Added – Date new information was last edited.
Auto Pop – If checked the Condition properties screen for all of the conditions will automatically open one after another until they have all opened and been closed.

Group Conditions

Sequence – Several of the databases display and have assigned Sequence numbers to each line. When you add in new lines, each will be assigned a Sequence Number.
Description – A description of the Detail.
Detail – If a detail has been attached to this condition the detail number/code will appear here.
Added By – The name or initials of the individual adding the new lines to the database.
Date Added – Date new information was last edited.

Group Items

Sequence – Several of the databases display and have assigned Sequence numbers to each line. When you add in new lines, each will be assigned a Sequence Number.
Item – The item code for the item on the line.
Description – A description of the group item.
CQty – Tells the condition how to quantify the line item. Every item has a “C” (Condition) Quantity when it is inserted into a group, without a CQty a line item will never receive a quantity.
Quantity – The total amount or number of things measured or estimated.
Quantity From – Where the amount or number of things measured or estimated will get its “quantity” from, i.e. measuring, entering or someplace else.
User Code – A user code is how the program determines what general category heading an item gets listed under for reports. The EDGE uses a modified version of the CSI (Construction Specification Institute) Uniform System. The EDGE use the standardized 16 divisions. If you are a roofing contractor for example you will find that your user code goes from 07-100-000 to 07-999-9999. The same holds true For other users of The EDGE.
Waste % – An amount (percent) established and manually entered by an estimator to calculate the amount of waste to be added to a line in the estimate.
Account Code – An alpha or numeric code used by a company’s accounting department to identify items used in the business.
Alt CQty – An alternate method of telling a condition how to quantify a line in the estimate.
AU – Alternate units allows an estimator to create a second method of estimating the number of units of an item, it can be labor or material.
Date Added – Date new information was last edited.
On / Off – Line items will be always: ON” (i.e. will always be quantified and in every estimate) . OFF” (i.e. never be quantified and never in an estimate). Automatic” (i.e. if the item’s CQty receives a quantity the item will turn from off to on and be included in the estimate).
Ovr Account Number – Allows an estimator to override an item’s default account code.
Ovr Part Number – Allows an estimator to override an item’s default part number.
Ovr Phase Code – Allows an estimator to override an item’s default phase code.
Ovr Pricing Date – Allows an estimator to override an item’s pricing date.
Over UC – Allows an estimator to override an item’s default user code.
Ovr Waste- Allows an estimator to override an item’s waste percent.
Part Number – A manufacturer’s part number assigned to an item in the EDGE.
Phase Code – An alpha or numeric code for specific phases of work as determined by the contractor.
Pricing Date – The date prices were entered or updated.