Condition Screen

Customize Columns | Condition List Screen


To customize your database columns, select Edit | Customize Columns. Doing so will open a Customize list of headings that you have not included

Indicates a line or lines have been marked.
Tells you a note exists for this screen, if you do not know what it is – you should read it.
Errors are present on the current screen, look at the Troubleshooter bar for hints as to the problem.

D – If a check mark appears in this column then the Condition on the same line has had a detail attached to it.
Legend – Displays the symbol, color for the line, area or count item.
# – The # sign tells you how many lines are on a given screen.
Description – A Description of the line the cursor is on in the current screen.
Scale – Displays the scale for the page.
From – Tells you where the Condition is getting its quantities from, they are: Measured, from another Condition, Entered. You an also override measured Conditions.
Mult – Default setting is 1, similar to repeat the number of times a condition repeats itself in this screen.
Quantity – The amount of the item you are going to need.
Unit – How the item has been estimated.
Pitch – The number of units up and over from a start point to calculate the slope of a slanted surface.
Cost/Unit – What the item is going to cost you per unit.
Price/Unit – How much you pay per unit of the item.
Hours – The number of hours required to complete the work involved for the part of the project reflected on the current page.
Mandays – The number of Mandays required to complete the work involved for the part of the project reflected on the current page.
Alt Qty – Alternate quantities that may be required to complete a job.
C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 – Six user-defined fields, where you determine what this field represents.
Cost/Alt Unit – Allows you to calculate the cost that each item contributes to the job based on another qualifier.
Gross Price – The cost of the work (after mark-ups) for the part of the project reflected on the current page.
Net Cost – The current costs before any markups are applied.
Price/Alt Unit – Alternate price per unit of purchase.