Merge Databases

How To Merge Databases


This function is used to merge entire database, partial databases or even individual groups and items together. While this is a fairly simple process care must be taken by the user to pay attention to what database is being merged and any warning messages that may appear. AES recommends that only experienced users attempt the merging databases, novices should not attempt this procedure.

Before beginning a merge you need to ask yourself; What am I trying to merge and why?

In some instances it is easier to merge entire databases rather than individual databases, groups or items, why?

When you merge entire database you will check all of the different database for duplicates before initiating the merge. But when merging say a single group you have to remember to check all of the database associated with all of the items in the group first or you may not get the merge you want.

We recommends that you call The EDGE Training Department (561-276-9100) and discussing what you plan to do before you do it. It many prove beneficial and less costly to have AES do the merge rather than destroying a working database and putting a workstation out of service for an unspecified amount of time.

Before attempting to merge database, backup your existing database. If you do not remember how to backup your database

1.The EDGE can have up to 18 different database depending on how your system is configured. Those database are as follows: Accounting, Contact, Costing, Detail, Estimator, Fire Test, Group, Item, Labor Type, Locales, Lookup, Paint, Part Number, Phase Code, Scenario, Subdivision, Surfaces and User Code.

2.Copy or download the NEW database to the folder where your EDGE database(s) are stored, typically C:\Edge Database.

3.Restore the NEW database and the open it to make sure it is properly functioning.

Before merging any database the user must check every database that is to be merged for duplicate codes (User, Costing, Item, Phase, Group, etc.)

Below is an example of checking the User Code Database

4.Begin by printing out the User Code databases for both the NEW and EXISTING databases. After printing, compare the User Codes in both databases to make sure there are NO duplicates between the two databases. If there are fix the duplicates before continuing. An easy way to temporarily fix duplicate codes it to add an asterisk( * ) to the item in one of the databases, later you either change the code or delete the code. Also, make sure that the order of appearance between the two databases is the way you want them to be, if not make changes now.

You should have the EXISTING User Code database open. Click Tools | Import (name of Database) from another database the Import Merge Database dialog opens.

5.Click the drop down arrow at the end of the import field and select the NEW database. If there are duplicates codes, the duplicate codes windows will open as seen below, the left windows displays an example of duplicate code for an interior database and the right window displays possible duplicate codes for a roofing contractor.

NOTE: If you have not made any changes to the Code in the existing database; in theory, it should match the Codes in the new database line for line

At this time the user has two choices remove/fix the duplicates from the NEW database or click the Import Non-duplicate (name of database). This will allow all non-duplicated codes to be merged.

CAUTION: A word of caution, importing non-duplicate items may seem like the ideal answer but while some of the codes may be duplicates the information contained within those duplicates may very well be unique. So be careful when selecting Import non-duplicates.

6. Next, review all of the other databases (Labor Types, Account Code, Costing Code, etc) that are linked to the planned merge for any conflicts. If you find errors fix them before attempting the merge. When everything looks good, proceed as in step 2 above.

Note: If you have any doubt about what you are about to do, please call EDGE before scrambling up your database.

7. Next, in the Item Database you must review the Miscellaneous items in the Template tab (MISCSF, MISCLF, MISCEA, etc). If there are duplicates in both databases, they may both be needed in the final database. To solve this problem you will need to open one of the databases and change the Item’s Description in the the Miscellaneous Tab as well as in the corresponding Lookup. For example, you want to merge a Drywall and Acoustical database together both database currently have a miscellaneous item called Dumpster. Change one dumpster to Acoustical Dumpster and each then become unique.

8. Just as there is an order when deleting lines in a database, there is also an order when merging from one database to another. You may be trying to merge a full database into another or perhaps merging groups from one database to another. Imagine that you’re building a Pyramid (large base to narrow top) with the Group being at the top of the food chain.

For example let’s say you wanted merge some groups from one database into another. If you went straight to merging the groups before you merged the Subdivision, Costing Codes, Lookups, Account Codes, User Codes and Items, you would only get the items that are in the groups. They would be in a random order and at the bottom of the database. Merge database in the following order. Some database may have all duplicates (that’s good you do not need to merge anything), some database may have some duplicates (click the import non-duplicates, that is what you are looking for).

a) Subdivision
b) Costing Code
c) User Code
d) Phase Code
e) Account Code
f) Scenarios
g) Labor Types
h) Item Templates
i) Items
j) Lookups
k) Groups
l) Details

Remember: You may or may not be using all of the EDGE databases. For example if you are not using phase codes then skip that step.

9.Review the results. Test your merge; this should give you all the critical information. User codes and labor types that were not used in the groups will not get merged. But all the ones used in the groups should be. If you need others, just merge them after the groups.

Important: If you had re-labeled the C fields in your Source database, the Target database will still have its original C field labels. You should go into the Target database Tools | Company Options | Condition Fields and re-enter the C field labels for the appropriate conditions.